Friday, April 23, 2010

What Are Neighbors For?

Why, Ruby! You're still alive! Phew. I was nervous that while we were distracted by all this Bobbie drama, Lyle had quietly kidnapped you and cut you up into tiny little pieces or something dreadful. I mean he does live in Queens, of all the god-awful sinkholes on the planet. But enough about Lyle! The Professor has been single for at least a half an hour now, get over there and feed him, for god's sake!

But uh... this doesn't mean that Bobbie's been disposed of already... does it? Because I feel like I never even got a chance to say goodbye! It's not fair! It can't be true! Professor, please tell me you've been doing some moral waffling on driving Bobbie to the psych ward and she's hiding in your closet right now. Please please please.


mrvy said...

Look at those soulful gazes in the second panel! Bobbie and Lyle are all but forgotten.

McClure said...

Oh Ruby... still alive and still wearing those mysterious translucent disc earrings... Bobbie didn't wear those, you know! Maybe you should take a hint from her. And go insane, steal the gun from Margo as if she were a hoodlum (get it? hood? ha! ha...) and... and...

Oh what's the point.

Sugar Packet said...

We don't know that the Professor is single. Maybe he and Bobbie are going to try a long distance relationship. I doubt we'll get any strips featuring conjugal visits, though...