Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday Soapy Sunday

Apartment 3-G's Sunday strips are usually a wash (pun hilariously intended?), mostly just a recap of last week with maybe a panel from the next day's strip. I'm pretty much content to ignore it in general, but this one has a pretty good new panel:

Hahaha! Ha... ahh. I'm starting to kind of feel bad for Joe. It's all fun and games when you're being whacked with an umbrella, but those heavy-duty cleaning agents will probably impair his vision for life. Even Margo is sort of like, "Whoa, Ruby..."

Of course, I only feel bad for him because this is Apartment 3-G, and I knew he was never really going to hurt Tommie. Way too dark. Joe probably wouldn't know what to do if he hadn't been attacked on all sides. This is Apartment 3-G, not Funky Winkerbean.

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