Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hey, did Tenzin leave AGAIN?You think that Lodi's just being poetically detailed in his description of the scene, painting a picture with his words... and then it turns out he's not exaggerating, he's just staring at an actual drop of snow from two feet away while his pal Eric is back there floundering in the snow. You can actually see it dripping before Lodi swivels away. That's... pretty awesome.

More importantly though, where is that huge "CRACK!!" sound effect coming from?
  • actual gunfire from Chinese soldiers?
  • the earth splitting and swallowing up Eric?
  • Eric's bones being crushed by the powerful jaws of a snow leopard?
  • Eric's bones being crushed by the powerful jaws of a Yeti?
  • Eric yelling for more crack cocaine?
  • other?


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