Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Whoops! Sorrrrry!

Is that Professor Aristotle lurking in the background of panel 2? This is interesting if you've been following the strip for a while, because a while ago Margo visited Tim's wife Nora at Nora's lovely apartment and basically harrassed her for not caring about Tim, who had been missing for over a decade. It was basically like

Margo: Hi thanks for inviting me you look great.
Nora: Well than--
Margo: HOW COULD YOU MOVE ON??! You're a MONSTER! I'd never haven given up if Tim was my husband.
Nora: But I tried to find him for ten years!
Margo: NO BUTS! Get out of my sight, you disgust me!
Nora: This is my apartment!
Margo: (leaves)

So now Margo's gonna have a little "Whoops, I was a jerk" moment. Probably. You can never be sure with Margo!

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