Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank You?

Tommie's hair is expanding at a rapid rate!Normally I'd guess that was a compliment, but her expression is a little world-weary. It's kind of like a Ziggy punchline, if Ziggy was a girl. Or maybe it would work better in The Lockhorns... Also, especially in the second panel, I think Ruby looks less like Dolly Parton and more like Shelley Winters circa Lolita. Am I right? Eh? Am I? Come on. My sisters say I'm awful at making celebrity comparisons, but I think I'm right on with this one.


Megan said...

I think the Shelley Winters comparison is spot on! Is Shelley Winters even still alive?

Unknown said...

Yay! I love Dolly Parton! Aaaaand Dolly references! Keep 'em coming, I say.