Well wouldn't I just love to hear who's on Margo's list of "Important Rich Famous and Artsy People I Know in This God Forsaken Town." Woody Allen? Spike Lee? Yoko Ono? Derek Jeter? The Olsen twins? Perhaps the Broderick-Jessica Parkers? Maybe she has a standing date with the gals from
The View for coffee and knish? Dinner at the Russian Tea Room with Bloomberg and Giuliani? After parties with the cast of SNL?
No, no, Maggie. I'm thinking Donna Reed, Mary Tyler Moore, and a young up-and-coming star named Betty White. Oh, and Eddie Fisher.
Duh, of course! Although Margo's probably more comfortable with the boozy Match Game crowd than the stuffy sophisticates at What's My Line.
Oooh, I hope Sean Avery is on the list!
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