Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Knock Knock

Professor, you could've actually knocked instead of yelling KNOCK KNOCK and busting through the door... But uh, nice to have you in the strip while Margo slips into something more comfortable. I hope he's bringing news of the next story arc. Maybe Kat and Kitty have decided to do an I Dressed in the Dark: Where Are They Now? episode.


Frank Ebola said...

Another episode of "Learn to Draw" with Helen Keller

Ken's Orange Overcoat said...

ANYTHING to get them out of those freakin' polo tops! I know we're supposed to feel sorry for Frank because he's 90, but if any of us did our jobs that badly, we'd be fired.

molly said...

I would be much happier with reused clip art from 10-20 (or more) years ago than having to squint through this.

I doubt there's anyone waiting in line to take over the A3G comic story and/or drawing of it, like what happened with Mark Trail. So if Frank gets fired, the strip is over. I can't imagine the salary is at all enticing...

I vote for recycling!!!! Just plop some new words into the old bubbles and voila!

NonnyMus said...


I vote for recycling Alex Kotzky's work!!

molly said...


Yes! Simple, but you know, proportional and consistent. That's all we ask!