Friday, September 27, 2013

Drink or Don't

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Jeez Marty, don't freak out just cause your dad's dying or whatever! Let's get back to what this story really should be about: teenage drug use! Pass the Smirnoff, WHOOOOOO

Friday, September 27, 2013
What's weird about this is that Tori has kind of been right about everything. (I mean, besides her anger management techniques.) She was right about Lu Ann and Cole (subconsciously) macking on each other, right about Cole's brain thing, right about Cole lying to her, right about guys having lapses in judgement when it comes to girls (sorry guys!), right about Cole being hypocritical, and right to give Marty a choice about whether she wants to drink or not. Although, DUH, drinking takes away all your problems, WHOOOOO

I can't wait until tomorrow when Marty immediately spit-takes all that vodka into Tori's face. "BLECH! People pay to drink this stuff??"


Barking Monkey said...

Lying to impress girls is a lapse in judgement? Do you know how crazy you sound? Next you'll be saying we shouldn't be lying on our resumes, or our taxes.

mrvy said...

Nope, on Saturday we got Zoey actually realizing the governor should go to the Governor's mansion and govern! Still no confirmation that anyone realizes it's in Albany!

Gladys Kravitz said...

The first step is the vodka. Next week, Tori will whip out some reefer, and say-

''Have a toke on this, Marty. It will make all your troubles go away!''

The following week- or perhaps two months from now, as this strip runs slooooowly, Tori will whip out an enormous hypodermic from the 1920's, and smirk while saying-

''C'mon, Marty, don't be a drip! All the cool kids are shooting smack! Besides, your Dad lied to you!''

Meanwhile, LuAnn & Zoey will share an awkward moment, when they both show up at John Calder's memorial service in matching pink satin polo shirts.