Monday, September 16, 2013

Just a Guy

I thought Tori would be be blabbing this all over school/Live Journal/Xanga by now, but actually she's got a pretty mature perspective! Cole, like all of us, is human; we all have regrets, weaknesses and shortcomings, and he can't outgrow them simply by being a good father. To really love someone, you have to accept everything about them, not just the parts you like. Have you ever considered that you dad needs your support just as much as you need his? GOD, Marty! And if you yell at me again, I'm going to tell everyone at school you still wet the bed.


NonnyMus said...

I find it hilarious that Tori's bad girl hairstyle is thinning out to just a few out-of-place wisps!

John Gilmore said...

snicker snicker snicker Marty has nits.

McClure said...

XANGA! I shudder to think that mine is still on the interwebs somewhere...