Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dramatic Irony

What we're seeing here is a prime example of "dramatic irony," where the character speaks erroneously due to ignorance of some knowledge that the audience is privvy to. In this case, Nina thinks she's getting the stomach flu, but we, the audience, have the secret knowledge that after being pregnant for a while, you go into labor, and it hurts. Sweet, sweet irony!

P.S. I hope you've noticed that Nina's egregious lack of common sense has made it to the banner. She earned it!


Ken said...

I can't find my phone. Whatever shall I do? We don't have a landline since the gossip mongers are always calling.

I hope my nemesis doesn't stop by to see my husband and serendipitously help me to the hospital where she stays by my side throughout my labor. And then I name my daughter Margo Tommie Blake.

pq said...

Because the stomach flu is characterized by severe cramps and water breaking? OH, NINA! Apparently she really DOES need 24/7 midwifery support.

Maggie said...

It wouldn't surprise me in real life if a young couple in New York wasn't willing to pay for a landline, but we know in A3G they are an absolute necessity, so I'm a little baffled.