Monday, June 18, 2012

I Have No Idea What Happens Next

Oh wow! I think Nina reads the blog! Yes Nina, you are a little bit of a fool, but acceptance is the first step towards recovery. So, if you're still reading the site, here's what I think comes next in the baby having process, based on baby-having episodes of my favorite sitcoms Full House, Step by Step, The Office, The Nanny, Friends, Mad About You, and I Love Lucy. So, you start having contractions (maybe someone with a stopwatch will "time" these, but I don't really know why), someone whisks you away to a hospital, and then after hours and hours of contractions, you push out a baby! That's... it? Maybe there's more I don't know about. Sorry. Should've hit the books!

Oh, also, your water will break at the most inopportune moment, which is usually good for a laugh.


Roy said...

Since when has 3G had the narrative tension of a successful sitcom? It operates on a completely different level.

Thiese are a fantastic couple of panels, the best in months.

Btw, did anyone notice there was no Sunday recap this week.

Anonymous said...

"I have no idea what to do! What do humans do when they're in labor pains? I think I've heard something about extraction, maybe calling someone or perhaps an ambulance... eh, I'll just stick some paper towel up there and hope for the best."

Ken said...

I know what happens next. I get collagen injections in my lips and some chin work done. I want to look my best when the stork gets here to deliver my baby. I hope he has some smokes and gin.

Ken said...

Sunday recap is not on, but I found it here.


Roy said...

Thanks Ken, it wasn't on DailyInk either.