Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Hospital Wins

Sorry I've been out of commission, guys. I've been out with a fever. Olympic fever. It's been... all-consuming. I mean, I'm literally losing sleep over this nonsense. I can't help it. I love it so.

SO ANYWAY! Awww. First we ignore Lu Ann, now we're getting rid of Rick, AKA Rick-E of Boys on the Street? I suppose this means we'll never be visiting the sound studio/Kennedy Space Center ever again. I think I'll miss that most of all. Goodbye, White Bread Studios. I'll see you... in my dreams.


Ken said...

Just because Tommie has given up on her music career doesn't mean she can't spend time with not-Paul. That's a very large KISS she's planted on his cheek. She might be pregnant or at least engaged in some cultures after that.

Mike Rocephaly said...

Tommie has a tiny head.