Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's Inevitable

Things sure do change. Hairstyles grow out. Hotel rooms become apartments. Friends who used to seek your advice and commiseration now point to the door whenever you start talking.

But turtlenecks? Turtlenecks are always cool!


Anonymous said...

It's always winter in A3-G Land!

fauxprof said...

Great, another random plot offshoot, to add to Margo's psychotic behavior, the phony psychic, wedding planning and cadaverous "smug creature" Mike. Resolve something, already, Shulock! You're making Karen Moy of Mary Worth seem like a halfway competent writer.

Barking Monkey said...

"Change is inevitable." Said the character who's lived in the same apartment, with the same roommates and neighbors, doing the same job for over 50 years, while outside men in fedoras walk down streets buzzing with cars from the 1950s.

Also the door pointing thing wins the internet for today. Well played Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Real question from a fake person here: Why do you all keep talking about (Margaret?) Shulock when, if you go to the Washington Post website, as I recently had occasion to do, it says the comic is by Frank Bolle and Lisa Trusiani? Are Shulock and Trusiani one and the same?

Love the blog, by the way, and the comments from the peanut gallery.

mrvy said...

Shulock replaced Trusiani, according to Wikipedia. Curious to know if M, M, & C agree that's the case.

Maggie said...

Anonymous, mrvy, et al: I don't know why The Washington Post doesn't update that byline--Margaret Shulock has been writing the strip at least as long as I've been writing the blog. She actually reached out to me when I first started blogging and wrote me a nice note, praising the blog and gently chastising me for misspelling Margo "McGee". (I burned with shame.) Yeah, she.... probably has no inclination to write us nice notes anymore.

Shulock used to contribute to the Six Chix blog, which occasionally would feature behind-the-scenes drawings and observations of A3G, but I think they deactivated the blog... recently when I tried to go to, it tried to redirect me to and my computer exploded. So.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog! I am so relieved to find that I'm not the one who's insane. I started reading A3G several months ago; I came in when Margo was firing someone, but then that all went away and people I'd never seen before appeared. Today, after realizing I still didn't know who any of these people were, or what they were doing, I googled around for some answers, and found you. Now I think I'll just read this blog rather than reading the actual comic--makes much more sense and is much funnier.