Friday, July 13, 2012

Can't Go On

Now, I don't pretend to be an authority on childbirth or anything, but... you can't just stop and give up halfway through having a baby, right? I mean, the baby's not going to be cool with that. Is this why Nina wanted Tommie instead of paramedics? Because she thought the paramedics would force her to have the baby no matter what, but maybe--just maybe--she could boss Tommie into letting her... stop... having it!? You know, if she got super tired??

Nina: I need this to be over now, Tommie. I can't go on!
Tommie: Come on, Nina. You're tough! Just like my Wrangler leather jacket! See?
Nina: Nope! Pretty sure I'm gonna give up!
Tommie: Okay, we gave it a shot. (speaking directly to Nina's stomach) Sorry, we're packing it in for the night. You just took too long!
Nina: That'll teach it a lesson!
Tommie: Right! We'll give labor another shot in a couple of weeks.
Nina: Make it a month. July is booked solid for me.
Scott: So... no baby tonight? But we'll have it eventually, right? You want me to make you nachos, sweetie?
Nina: GOD you're dumb!! But yes.


Ken said...

How long has Nina been kneeling? She has no obvious frontal support other than the big floppy pillow. I would be cramping up by now. It's probably been long enough that Tommie went out, recorded a new album, had a Reuben and beer at the pub, stopped at home to pick up her jacket because it looked like rain, and donated blood (double red cell). No wonder Nina wants to quit. Scottie didn't even stick around. He took a nap and then started day trading, but he secretly looks at porn.

Glove up and get in there Tommie!

Anonymous said...

You'd think Nina would be begging for some drugs & a caesarian by now. I get that she didn't ''read the books'', but surely she has to know there's no backing out, now?

Tim said...

Tommie's makeover just gets worse and worse.

hekates said...

Typically women want to give up during transition, which generally means the baby willbe born within 2 hours. So...this is accurate...