Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh, How I Dread This

The crowd looks awfully brown today. Oh, so Margo's still alive! That's good. And Eric's still dead. That's bad. But at least Margo is present enough to keep up with the fashion trend that's sweeping New York City: white turtlenecks! Bobbie can't get enough of them. Alecx can't buy them fast enough. Add a jacket or blazer and you'll look as regal as a captain on a tugboat. Although I will say, I'm surprised Margo isn't wearing a hat. Judging by the background characters, at least 78% of New Yorkers wear hats.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Oh Margo, thank God. I sort of hope that the Bobbie plotline stays far away from Margo, because I don't want to sully Margo's coolness with that shit. Also, I hope Eric gave her either something really bizarre or nothing at all in his will. This could be awesome.