Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sing Me a Lullaby

Another landmark moment in the Sexy History of Apartment 3-G: I definitely don't think anyone has ever said the word "undress" before. Ohh, it's high ribaldry at its best! Un...until Margo fell asleep in her clothes, I mean. To be fair, her clothes could pass for pajamas. Her shirt, at least. Her pants.... a total mystery.

So, man, is that it?? Perhaps this is the part where Greg hears a quiet "tick-tick-tick-tick" coming from the closet.


Doodle Bean said...

I've suddenly become depressed realizing that not only does Margo go [HIC] when she's drunk, but she goes ZZZZZZ ZZZZZ when she sleeps.

It's just so stereotypical.

My depression deepens when I realize that in Apartment 3-G, it's not even Xmas Eve yet!!

J.R. Clark said...

Gerg is the smoothest James Bond ever...knocks em out with one shot for the rest of the night!

Elaine said...

Margo needs to have a sleep study for that noisy zzzz-ing she's having.

Ken said...

Did Frank read the lead in?

Margo doesn't looked sprawled.

Frank should draw everyone in shapeless potato sacks or better yet Snuggies. He could then avoid the random finger, twisted arm, or misshaped torso. Yes, new A3G premise - everyone, everywhere, wears Snuggies.

Wouldn't Bond already have his shirt off?

J.R. Clark said...

"...and you can sing me a lullabye."

/door flies open

Paul McCartney: "GOOOOOOLLLLLLLDEN SLUMBERS FILL YOUR EYES/SMIIIIILLLE AWAITS YOU WHEN YOU RISE/Sleep little darling, do not cryyyeee...and I will sing a lullabyeee."

Gerg: "Now, can you sing 'Live And Let Die'?"