Friday, January 18, 2013

The Joke is On Me

Whuh oh! Looks like some one's fallen into Margo's man trap... and he's cursing angry about it. (that's a thing) Stay cool, Greg! What would James Bond do?


NonnyMus said...

@*%#ing Greg! Doesn't he know it's dangerous to flirt with your publicist?!

Allen said...

Where the hell has Evan been hiding all this time? Hasn't it been like 5 hours?

I'm curious where they're going with this Eric Mills thing. My guess: absolutely nowhere.

Ken said...

James Bond would know better than to form an emotional connection with a femme fatale.

But Greg is realizing that it is not all rainbows and unicorns when you love someone that is not going to love you back. It hurts.