Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween, Everybody!

Take that, Doctor TV! Allright!! Not only do we get some explanation on the lop-sided crowd demographics (female and hat-crazy), we also see what the cast and crew of I Dressed in the Dark wear: lab coats! Best of all is Bobbie in all of her cranky glory--bitter, cursing, looking more like a man than ever, pointing the hell out of her finger, and trying to pass off her pajamas as a Chanel suit. This picture from is the closest thing I could find to Bobbie's current style:

This was quite fetching once!
According to the source, it's from the 1970s. I guess Bobbie's been hanging on to it for a while!

1 comment:

phoebes-in-santa fe said...

I liked today's column. She knows swear words, which nobody else in Apt 3G-land appears to use. And maybe that is a Chanel suit, IF Chairman Mao had been brought into the design process.

Whatever it is, this character has more life in her than any other one in this comic, which means the story line will be introduced and then will be abruptly forgotten as Margo takes center-stage with one of her dreary dramas.