Saturday, October 3, 2009


I think my boyfriend's iPhone tootles like that... "It's been a pleasure, Bobbie, but I really must be going. My leftover sesame noodles aren't going to eat themselves, and my TV is probably starting to worry about me." Sounds like the Professor doesn't want this to get physical. Maybe he's shy! Oh Professor. Anyway, luckily for him, Bobbie's cellphone is tootling like crazy, including out of her neck. Saved by the tootle! It's like the phone itself is saying "tootles" to the Professor. I hope the Professor remembers to give Bobbie a tootle when he gets home safe. God "tootle" makes me laugh. WHY WOULD A PHONE MAKE THAT NOISE??

Professor, let yourself out into the pitch black hall, will ya?

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