Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Willing to Wait

I'm going to be honest, Dad: I have no idea what you're talking about."Happy?" "Willing to wait?" "Love?" Margo looks downright perplexed. Makes you kind of wonder about her relationship with Eric, but probably not more than you already did.

Also folks, I think we're jumping the gun (so to speak, oh ho ho!) on when Bobbie's going to burst in on this scene. I know, last week's antics pumped me up too, I am psyched for this eventual payoff, but there's no way we see that bad boy until after Easter... maybe Memorial Day. You've got to be willing to wait as long as it takes with this strip.


Megan said...

Ugh, this strip requires too much patience. Although if you only have two panels a day it's pretty hard to get a rapidly moving story arc going. I'm pretty sure we'll hear a rustling at the door and then it will cut to Tommie playing piano at a dive bar or something after her brief foray into Broadway performance. Is Margo's last name really Magee? Because that's just laziness on the part of the strip's creators.

Unknown said...

No, no, no. Margo's last name being Magee is pure brilliance on the part of the strip's creators. Margo (sometimes called Maggie) Magee. Ahhh, sounds satisfying.