Saturday, September 11, 2010

Don't Believe Your Eyes

As mrvy pointed out in the comments from yesterday, this represents a real lapse in the coloring department. While colorists get a lot of ribbing for good reason, this really makes me feel bad for the poor colorist. Just imagine him, excited about the possibilities of these brand new A3G makeovers, with no real cue as to the intended hair color. Finally, it's his turn to shine, to let his creativity show. He can make Lu Ann a redhead if he wants. Lu Ann!! A redhead!! Genius. He eagerly colors the first couple of post-makeover strips, giggling from sheer delight.

And then, today, it all comes crashing down. RICH BROWN??? Damn you, Margaret Shulock. Damn you!!!! But really, does this mean that despite the clear intention of the writer, we're going to be sticking with ginger Lu Ann? Or does it mean it doesn't really matter because next week she's dying it blond again and forgetting this whole sorry affair ever happened?

Either way, I feel like this explains why Lu Ann hasn't had a nervous breakdown yet. No one will be mistaking her for Tommie. Whew. That was close.


Anonymous said...

Wow, in this strip Lu Ann looks prettier than she did as a blonde. I think it's cause of the detail in her hairstyle.

Maggie said...

I don't know what to think! Has Tommie been a brunette this whole time?? Or is there really no brown coloring for our colorist to choose? Think. In the history of the strip, has anyone had straight up brown hair? Not this sandy beige color Kat's rocking, actual brown. Maybe that explains dearth of ethnicity in this strip...

Anonymous said...

OH my god. HOW much longer can they possibly draw this out? they've been introducing Tommie for 3 days now.