Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Margo, Converted

Look at her twirl! She moves like an angel. In fact, Margo doesn't even look like herself, all smiles and collar bones and simpering compliance. All she did was put down her hair and put on some kind of textured dress and I don't know who she is anymore. When did she even buy this dress? Didn't she just buy shoes and bags as an act of defiance? MARGO WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU.

And this is just the boring makeover! What does tomorrow have in store??


Sugar Packet said...

Good to have you girls back, I was starting to wonder! I agree, new Margo looks very different. And I wonder if we'll ever see this dress again...

Carlye said...

Nice dress, but there aren't a lot of places to wear it...

Megan said...

Yea, that is not Margo. They drove Margo home and replaced her with this Margoesque ingenue because Kat can't risk a failed makeover. It would kill her chances at that Emmy. I mean seriously, this girl is like 10 years younger and slightly thinner and looks completely different than the Margo in the hair salon who had the "makeover complete."