Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Margo Magee, Armchair Psychotherapist

I love Margo's self-satisfaction with her armchair psychiatry in the first panel.  For the briefest of moments, it feels like Margo is actually going to empathize with Nina and understand the pain of another human being.  Predictably, she brings it back to herself.  I'm glad in these turbulent times there is something constant we can rely on.


Tobias Funke, LAR said...

If this were a Lifetime Moment Of Truth movie,this would be our act break.

Max said...

Thanks Maurice. We'll miss you.

Barbara L. Hanson said...

Would someone slip an H&M ad under 3G's door? I can't stand these clothes anymore. I'm an NY native, and I swear I have never seen anyone dress like these three. Except for a nun or two.

Ken said...

What's Margo's body count at this point? She's quite the succubus.

Maggie said...

Barbara: I knowwwww You'll notice Margo changed from one drab outfit to another mid-conversation... probably put on her "power suit" to deliver her psychoanalysis. That'll be $300, Tommie.

And when did Tobias Funke get in here? We shan't be telling your mother this, shan't we?