Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tommie Can't Hold Down a Job

Tommie, come on. By A3G standards, Nina is not only dressed, but in fact very well-dressed.

I find this strip delightful because it's like in the second panel, Nina finally realized how absolutely bananas Tommie is for following her around and acting like she's some kind of midwife Mary Poppins. And that she actually has some say in her own personal life. Now come on Nina, put on something that was made after the year 2005, do something with that hair, and go kick some Margo ass! I'm taking bets now.


Ken said...

You can't fire me! I work for your unborn child.

Maggie said...

Nina, I brought chalk! We can draw pictures on the sidewalk in the park and watch them COME TO LIFE!

Sugar Packet said...

See! Another microwave! A microwave in EVERY ROOM! This is Frank Bolle's vision of with the 1% lives like.