Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Internal Dialogue

Can one get busted for talking?  Is the A3G New York a hypervigilant police state where even the smallest violations of social mores are punishable and draconian laws instill a fear of consequence in the population?  I would think that Marty would be more concerned about the palsy that afflicts her of late than whether Tori is ten minutes late for their running away from home rendezvous.  She's probably just picking up a pack of Camels for the road...


NonnyMus said...

I finally figured out the fist shaking is supposed to show that Marty is goin' through withdrawal from the cigarettes and booze!

Quick! Get that girl some unfiltered Camels and a bottle of Wild Turkey!

Grammar Dude said...

re: secret message
i love it! thanks!

Maggie said...

That's right, Marty! No sense in getting in trouble for talking or thought crimes before you two hit the flee to Sanctuary! (spoiler alert: there is no Sanctuary)

Ken said...

Logan's Run?

I have the DVD.