Thursday, May 29, 2014

Waffles, Bacon and Eggs!

Oh, nevermind. It's not Lu Ann. It's Carol. Carol = Lu Ann + wrinkles. Can everything be reduced to a formula like this? Margo - bun + baby = Nina? Dolphin - bones + murderous rage  Shark?  Casey + (curly hair + four inches) = Megan?


TimP said...

Waffles, bacon and eggs does sound like a pretty great breakfast... especially if it's only served to you once every three months.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever combined those items all at once. I'm more of a bacon, eggs and toast person. For some reason, when I think waffles, I think of fruit and breakfast sausage.

Jeeze, now I'm hungry...

Barking Monkey said...

So did Jack the Quack just climb out of the bath and pull on the same cow-afterbirth saturated shirt he had on before cleaning up? And then eat breakfast in it? Cuz I'm a bit ewwww with that.

Anonymous said...

Ha, what happened? She looks like his mother! Man, this is sick.