Monday, November 19, 2012

Are You Kidding?

Is..... Greg........ wearing................. pajamas?? Oh my god. The only way I can deal with the fashion and the style in this strip is to imagine every character as a flaming hipster. Director Chinbeard might be the most relevant character we've seen in ages.


Ken said...

At first I thought the pajamas were plausible. Greg wearing one half while the lady in bed is wearing the other half. But then Greg should be shirtless wearing the pajama bottoms while she wears the tops. He called his lady friend after Margo stormed out. Imagine a shirtless man in A3G...shocking.

What is Director Chin Beard talking into, is that supposed to be a phone?

Barbara L. Hanson said...

The set designers for A3G and Mary Worth must shop at the same Salvation Army outlet. (I found an A3G from the sixties, and the trio dressed normally for the time, and even had legs and feet and stuff.)