Monday, November 26, 2012

Not Now, Margo

Apartment 3-G, November 26, 2012
With the Poaching of Skyler (a phrase I hope we will all use for the rest of our lives), I guess Evan's ready to roll out the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Now his only interest is to see how long Margo will keep paying him for not doing any work while being aggressively unpleasant. I've never seen Margo take abuse like this, so I'm hoping the answer is: not long.


Marge said...

Poor Margo, sitting by her phone all weekend. And calling Evan "Darling" is seriously nauseating.

Elaine said...

I agree; Margo using that 'd' word made me want to toss my cookies. Margo, bare your fangs and go for the jugular!!

Mathew Walls said...

Unless this ends with the revelation that Margo has been replaced by a robot, clone or long-lost twin I will be very disappointed, because this is not the Margo I know.

Anonymous said...

Never would have thought I'd miss a Tommie plot or that a Margo storyline would be boring and cringe worthy. Maybe it's a meta plot to make Luanne's next arc of stupidity seem better?

Ken said...

Stop pressuring me Margo! She's just like Nagatha Christie, Spiro Nagnew, Naggity Anne, or the Secretary of Nagriculture.

Cut Margo some slack.

Who hasn't fallen for their magic one-fingered assistant who is only working at your PR firm to steal your clients for his Aunt Cathy at the Windwood Agency?

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

mrvy said...

Perhaps it's time to retire "I hope I'm not coming down with stomach flu" and refresh the banner with "Quit trying to guilt me, Margo".

Maggie said...

mrvy: good idea! I didn't even think of it! Stomach flu is soooo last season. But I'm banking on Margo saying something even more memorable once Evan's betrayal is revealed. Disappointing though Margo is now, when she really rages, she is breathtaking!