Tuesday, November 20, 2012


:::Holds card to forehead like Carnac:::  Greg's co-star is Skyler!  How else is Margo ever going to find out about Evan's betrayal?  I predict that Margo will make a surprise trip to the movie set in London to check on her only remaining PR client, where she will happen upon Evan (who requested off from the M&M agency to have surgery) giving Skyler an intense one-finger massage.  But what really happens will probably be way lamer.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Chinbeard: C'mon, don't you really want to know who is your next Hollywood starlet hookup?

Greg: No, I've got Margo on the brain and I can't get her out of my head.

Chinbeard: Margo Magee!?! She's the best publicist this side of the Mississippi. She handled my cousin's messy separation and afterbirth. How do you know her?

Greg: I've fallen for her and creepily moved into her building on the exact same floor.

Chinbeard: I hope that works out for you. Do you want some A/V guys from the crew to setup surveillance equipment?

Greg: No thanks, I stalk the old fashioned way.