Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do You Smell the Phone Ringing?

Ring ring! Smells like a phone call! I'm trying to remember what secret information Margo knew about Eric's brother... but it's just not coming to me. I think she knew that Eric's brother was in Tibet trying to free this lama character or whatever, but I didn't know it was some big burdensome secret. Or that she didn't tell Tommie, not until last night. Italics make it so dramatic. She's begging for a follow up question: what happened last night? What happened... between you two... last night? But Ruby's moved on and OH THERE'S THE PHONE! Oh please oh please oh please be Lu Ann! ORRR Taser Lady! This "Margo goes to China" storyline has to bounce off some other plot, and Tommie is fresh out of interesting.

That said, I do like that Tommie percieves the phone is ringing through her sense of smell.


McClure said...

Mmm smells like home-cooked phone call. No store-bought phone call for me.

Maggie said...

Nothing says lovin' like a phonecall from the oven!