Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welcome to India, Honey

Cows have horns, right? Don't they? And long tails? Wait.Talking about the cows outside seems like a cheap way of not drawing the cows outside, but you know what? I can't draw a cow either.

Meanwhile, Martin whips out today's edition of the South Dakota Times, which carries all the news that's fit to print about Tibetan current events. "Are they talking about Tim Mills?" Margo wonders, looking bored. My question: who refers to her boyfriend by his full name?

UPDATE: I'm stupid! Tim Mills is Eric Mills brother! Oh my. I feel like a fool. A damned fool. I guess I was thrown off because I thought Eric was the media darling.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone who is referring to her boyfriend's BROTHER. Remember ERIC Mills is her boyfriend; TIM Mills is his brother who disappeared in China years ago.

Maggie said...

These guys' names... it's like they go in one ear and out the other. What was Tommie's boyfriend's name again? What was the name of Lu Ann's old boyfriend? And the guy helping Margo with the gallery, forget it.

Thanks for the extra set of eyes.

Anonymous said...

I read this strip earlier and I was wondering if they'll ever actually show India from outside of the hotel room.