Monday, February 1, 2010

Phone Tag, Without the Tagging

Just two models away from Zack Morris' cell phone.Don't laugh at the Professor's giant-ass cellphone; I have a similar model (although it's less blue). It was only twenty bucks after rebate!

As for the plot... I feel like we're hurtling towards tragedy here. Bobbie was crazy enough before, but now that she's decided she has feelings for old Professor McMoralquibbles, anything could happen. Some options:
  1. Bobbie obsesses over her future with the Professor, planning out their entire future, and when he finally rejects her, she throws herself out her apartment window and dies
  2. in a desperate bid for the Professor's attention, Bobbie throws herself in front of another bus, only this time he isn't around to save her, so she gets hit and dies
  3. Bobbie ups her dosages and sets herself on fire
Basically, I see this ending in death. Bobbie's death, of course! Me, I'm the kind of girl who roots for self-immolation, but any of these are appropriately over the top. Of course, Bobbie could also wind up retreating to a empty, hollow life with her current husband, but where's the drama in that?

1 comment:

mrvy said...

Wow, this could rival the drama of the famed Aldo Kelrast storyline in Mary Worth!