Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Back Gallery

If I had to pick, I would take the painting of a head of cabbage there in the front.Rowr! As Doris remarked yesterday, Jack sure is good at talking! "Me too." ...classic! Although Lu Ann had to talk about the gallery's art, possibly her own, in the most stilted, obvious way to set him up. She might even be looking in mirror in that second panel. Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful thing of them all?


Kate Butler said...

Point to Margo. But then, all points go to Margo; she would never permit them to go elsewhere.

Charlene said...

The problem I'm having with Jack is that he looks disturbingly like the Scorpio killer in the Dirty Harry movies.

Andrew said...

In addition to Charlene's problem, I was also under the impression that Jack was a measure older than the A3G ladies, which makes this whole shindig seem skeevy to me. But then, it's difficult to tell age in A3Gland.

Sugar Packet said...

I don't know what Lu Ann is looking at, but all the art in the background looks awfully similar to Lu Ann's paintings. This gallery is in a rut!