Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lu Ann... Powers?

I'll have you know it took TWO people to think up this card display. Uhhhhh, yeah. I hate to oppose the Margo, but is she really trying to accuse Lu Ann of being wily? Lu Ann? Being underhanded and deceitful and clever to further her own career? I'm not sure Lu Ann can handle having open motives, nevermind ulterior motives. The extent of Lu Ann's cunning is her ability to make herself a a bowl of cereal in the morning. Okay, that's a little harsh, I bet she can handle the toaster in a pinch.


mrvy said...

Conquer the world through filling a niche for affordable art? Really, Margo? And now you've told Jack that he doesn't know his own mind. I'm telling you, these unresolved mommy issues are going to ruin all her relationships. Margo, get thee to a good therapist, quickly. Perhaps not Ari -- we've seen his judgment is a bit shaky of late.

Casey said...

Ha I looooove Jack's reaction. That's exactly the smirk he should have on his face at that moment. Does Lu Ann even know what manipulate means?

Oh my God, unless Margo is right and she is so masterful at manipulation that she has EVERYONE fooled.... except Margo. It's like some Sixth Sense shit up in here.

LogopolisMike said...

'Manipulation'? I'm sure Lu Ann knows some five-syllable words and maybe even can pronounce some of them, but I doubt she knows what any of them mean.

(And I say this as a Lu Ann 'fan' -- if there can be such a thing.)