Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tommie Demands an Explanation... Silently

Lu Ann is left-handed, truly an artist.You wanted an explanation Tommie? Hmm? Did you? It looks more like you're mildly disinterested in the whole affair. I mean, Lu Ann is LOSING it, barely restraining her fist from the punching, Margo is singing in some kind of angry manner, and then there you are, calmly staring into the middle distance.

She must be in her happy place.


LogopolisMike said...

I'm sorry if you feel otherwise (and I'm just getting back into A3G, in no small part to your wonderful blog) but this Margo and Lu Ann sniping is more enjoyable to me than even the Roberta/Bobbie storyline*. Every day it brings a smile to my face.

(* Speaking of, Lu Ann better watch herself; doesn't Margo still have the gun?)

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm a little embarrassed for Margo right now. I can't imagine singing "Sticks and stones" to someone my age. Or anyone, I guess. since grade school at least!

Sugar Packet said...

"Venomous tongue," "heartless witch," Lu Ann learning how to use adjectives? And Margo is the one singing nursery rhymes? Is Tommie witnessing some kind of Freaky Friday type personality switch?

mrvy said...

Right now, Tommie's wishing she accepted the proposal of -- what's his name? Gary? -- and run off to the majestic mountains of Colorado. Even if she doesn't ski. It would have to be better than dealing with the 30-going-on-13 nonsense from Margo and Lu Ann.

And yes, we all underestimated Lu Ann's brain power. Venomous is a 3-syllable adjective, after all.

McClure said...

It seems to me that Lu Ann's word choice is circa 1870... I mean, can't you just hear DQMW saying something like that? To Gay Custer, perhaps? baha. Anyway, some Emmy tears have to be right around the corner.