Monday, April 5, 2010


Treating guns like they're not dangerous is a family affair!First of all, I'm so excited to see all the commenting going on. I mean, how can you not want to comment on as Randy/KarMann calls it Ar-Magee-don, but it's such a thrill to have intelligent and enthusiastic observers. Keep yapping!

Second of all, oh my god, Margo is so awesome. First she scolds Bobbie like she's a child, then she calmly, even philosophically, tries to reason with Bobbie. Who negotiates with someone holding a gun like this?? Besides Bobbie, I mean. ...huh. Maybe it's just me, but the way I would've handled this would've been more like:

Bobbie: So you're in on it too. I should've know. (reveals gun)
Me: OH, WHAT. WHAT IS THAT. Is that a gun?? Oh shit oh shit! Ahh!! Wait a second, is that real? uhhhh OH NO IT'S REAL IT'S REAL OH F^@* I'M DEAD
Bobbie: Don't come any closer or I'll shoot.
Me: I know, I know! No! I know! I'm not coming any closer! Look at me! I'm up and leaving! You want me to get my mom real quick? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING THAT GUN ALL SHAKY AND CRAZY LIKE THAT?? I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Are you thirsty? Can I get you something to drink?
Annnnnnd then she'd shoot me.


The TJ said...

Look at all that bobbling going on... With her finger on the trigger, Bobbie's likely to accidentaly shoot someone!

...(Here's hoping!)

Sara said...

So Margo was raised by a narcissistic, bipolar and extremely bitter woman who resented her for representing her husband's love for another woman. My guess is, this isn't the first time Bobbie's pointed a weapon at Margo, and this isn't the first time Margo's had to talk Bobbie down from a manic frenzy.

Wait, did I just make this gleeful showdown a depressing window into Margo's childhood? Yep.

Sugar Packet said...

Yeah, tearing down the stairs, head bobbling, is probably not how I'd approach Bobbie, or anyone else with a gun. Notice Margo has encouraged Bobbie to put her finger on the trigger in the second panel!

Actually, it kind of looks like Bobbie is pantomiming holding a gun and then a real gun is drawn in behind her hand... weird.

Charlene said...

The writer has been shadowing this since forever. Margo has always acted like the daughter of an untreated bipolar, but until now there was no explanation. Well played, I have to say.

Sugar Packet said...

Well, she was only raised by an untreated bipolar. Her birth-mother is a freelance psychic! ^_^ Also a cleaning lady, probably inhaled lots of noxious fumes during pregnancy.

Randy said...

BTW, would I be permitted to shamelessly plug my own Ar-Magee-don 2010 t-shirt designs here? So far, I only have a design suitable for the ladies. You'll see what I mean.

If that's not OK with you, just delete this comment, and I'll get the message.

Randy said...

Oh, and about the gun drawing, it looks to me like what was supposed to be part of the pistol grip got the flesh tone coloring treatment instead. And to get that, it probably had to be overlooked by the inker first, since most of the rest of the gun is usually inked black, rather than colored after. I've no idea whether A3G actually has separate penciller, inker, and coloring monkeys, though.

mrvy said...

I've missed something, I'm sure, but can someone bring me up to speed? Margo is Magee, Bobbie is Merrill -- what's Martin's surname? Magee or Merrill? Did Bobbie/Roberta retain her maiden name?

Amazing that Margo is as close to normal as she is, really. Can't wait to witness the fallout when Margo learns that Prof. Aristotle's been canoodling with her stepmother.

Any storyline that allows "canoodling" to be worked into a comment makes me smile!

The TJ said...

I'm pretty sure Bobbie is using the surname "Merrill" as something of a disuise. I suspect it's her maiden name, and when she started stalking Martin and going to rehab and all that she didn't want to be traced or something.

Besides, Margo never married (Her "Naked, ringless fingers!") and she grew up with both parents so she'd probably keep the family name. So yeah, I'm pretty sure Matin's last name is Magee.

Sorry if that seems jumbled, I'm not great at explaining my ideas.

Randy said...

@mrvy: It became painfully clear when Dr. Bryant said "Yes, but I knew her by her married name." Though he never actually said "Magee" yet. But Merrill is pretty darn certainly her maiden name.

McClure said...

hahaha oh Mags, that is exactly what you'd do. And mrvy, what a great point! Margo is going to flip out at the Professor for sure... if she survives!!! ;)

Casey said...

Is... is Margo going to stick her finger in the gun? The gun has met its match.