Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stand Down!

Victory for England, and St. George!This is more like it! I love the staircase floating in space, Bedknobs and Broomsticks style, while Martin continues to look only mildly perturbed by the situation. Margo, of course, is hilariously off the mark thinking that Bobbie won't shoot her. I mean, I can't believe she even got the entire sentence out of her mouth while striking that classic "step off, dad!" pose without everyone bursting out laughing.


Megan said...

Margo's logic is almost as crazy as Bobbie...of course she'll shoot you, you are the human incarnation of Martin's love for another woman, duh...Plus, you don't even like your dad, let him take the bullet for you...

Anonymous said...

Please let this be resolved too quickly so that it essentially boils down to a "A Very Special Episode of Blossom". I'd prefer things to evolve toa Gringhouse blaze of blood, guts and mayehm.

The TJ said...

......Must.... RESIST!


"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

I, uh... couldn't resist.

Unknown said...

Ooh, I like that, The TJ! It fits so nicely, and now I can't stop thinking about what it would be like if Margo was a Jedi.

It would explain why Margo doesn't seem bothered by Bobbie's gun, as well as Martin, other than annoyed. She can just force-pull it away, and then deal with Bobbie as she sees fit.

Guess who's on the dark side?!