Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Rat Himself

How many people can fit on this staircase? I don't know how the Event of a Lifetime I've been desperately awaiting for the past three months could get boring after a couple of days, but somehow it has done just that. Bobbie, the gleefully manic star of the show, is somehow getting pushed into the background. How can that be allowed to happen??

I know this bland bit of exposition is necessary for non-regular readers to get their bearings plot-wise, but when the dialogue sags, that's when the art should really sing! How about a close-up of Bobbie's deranged face? Or maybe Martin could have some kind of a reaction in the second panel--even just a BOBBLE, for goodness sake!--to his estranged ex-wife showing up out of the blue calling him a rat and shaking a gun. It's pretty shocking, right? Right Martin? Hmm? Yes? Shocking? Martin?


The TJ said...

On the other hand, he HAS been married to her for over 20 years. Maybe he got bobbled out. This can't be the first time she's pointed a gun at him...

Megan said...

Yea, he's definitely not surprised that she's got a gun on him. I don't think Gabriella is going to make an appearance because there doesn't seem to be enough room in the panel for another character. Bobbie is going to probably have a week or so of grievance airing before any shooting will go down...

mrvy said...

The Rat Himself is wearing either a bad toupee or a cow-flop. Perhaps the bullet will get lodged in the rug (or dung). At any rate, it's probably not the first time Bobbie has called Martin a rat. For all we know, it's not the first time she's wielded a gun. Martin's probably desensitized, what with his hair being screwed on too tight.