Thursday, April 15, 2010

Not a Bang, but Definitely a Whimper (from me)

Don't even think about it, Lu Ann.AHHHHHH oh my god, that's really the end of that scene??! Ohh. You guys. I feel cheated. I feel cheated, I say! No violence at all? No lunging for the throat, or nervous rambling accusations, or complete mental breakdowns? Not even the consolation prize of everyone learning that Bobbie's been dating the Professor?? Just Margo running straight home to change into a jumper and bobble the empty gun upside-down in front of Lu Ann?? AHHHHHHFine! Let's get on with this curator nonsense, then. But I'm not okay yet! Bobbie better escape her captors rustle up some WMDs or something. I might forgive her then.

Oh, and thanks for voting, everyone. A surprisingly high number of you bet against the gun ever getting used, and you were right. It must feel good, being right. You know who was wrong? Chekhov.


The TJ said...

Ahhh!... Why? They HAD to know they'd be messing with everyone... It's not like they were saying "Hey, I'll bet that eveyone would LOVE to see this resolved with a phone call!"

...No. This was deliberate. Makes me think Margo is writing these, drawing sustinence from our anguish.

Eunice Harper said...

Wait! Maybe there is hope.

This whole Bobbie plot was just a way to get a gun into Margo's hands.

Shoot Lu Ann, honey! SHOOT LU ANN!

phoebes in santa fe said...

We don't know what happened. Really. Margo could have shot everyone and the bodies just haven't been discovered yet.

McClure said...

Yeah... how did she end up with it, anyway? Little condolence I'm afraid... le sigh.

mrvy said...

It's not over! The italicized questioning of LuAnn begs for Margo to explain. We'll have a two-day synopsis, followed by a recap of Stairwell Drama on Sunday.

Randy said...


@McClure: Hey, if I had a gun, and Margo was around, I'd sure as heck turn it over to her, no questions asked. I mean, it's not like she's any scarier or more intimidating with it than without it, after all.

More bullets, mule!

Megan said...