Friday, April 9, 2010


Words hurt, Bobbie.I liked the Jedi brainstorm from yesterday's comments, but after seeing today's comic, I would guess Martin's an X-man. Like Kitty Pryde, he has the power of "phasing," managing to "push" right through Margo and pass her on the narrow staircase. Margo is shocked; clearly Martin never revealed his powers to her, and she probably hasn't come to terms with her own mutant abilities yet (disdain that can chill the soul and razor-sharp fingernails, to name a few).

Finger pointing, too, is hereditary. Finger versus gun! Maybe if Martin's finger and Margo's finger team up against the gun they can take it down, but I'm not positive about a one-on-one matchup.


ReverendG said...

The poll is missing a name...Bobbie! What if she stumbles out of this scenario, overcome with the shame of Margo's mockery and just offs herself then and there?

The TJ said...

Well... At least being a mutant would go a long way towards explaining Martin's hair...

mrvy said...

The mutant theory is much more exciting than my toupee theory. Perhaps Margo, Martin, Taser Lady, and Ruby are all secretly part of the Justice League of America. Margo has a bit of a Wonder Woman vibe going on. Let the hair down, don a tiara and gold wrist cuffs -- can't you see it?