Monday, May 17, 2010

Why Me, Sis?

Keep in under your ascot, buckaroo.Blaze Powers, a fashion legend in his own mind, couldn't imagine why I Dressed in the Dark wanted to get in contact with him, but Ruby swiftly invented a suitable cover-up.


mrvy said...

Blaze is going to be one more cranky-pants in the A3G universe when the IDITD host throws out his brightly hued neckwear. The 3 "girls," Blaze -- that's four malcontents already.

Ruby seems well-adjusted enough, so she'll probably relinquish her bows without drama.

Randy said...

I especially like how "they're talking to everyone," but at the same time, it needs to be kept a secret. How's that again??

mrvy said...

Re: 5/22 strip -- Woah, woah, woah! Lu Ann drops an unprintable bomb! Has that ever happened in A3G before.? If Maggie doesn't post about this shocker, I will worry she's taken ill or something!

Wonder if Shulock has teenagers in the home that are plucking her last nerve?