Sunday, March 18, 2012

Nursery Rhymes

If this were any strip other than A3G, then that first panel would indicate an entirely different type of proposition.  But, only A3G would use the term "friendly companion."  I can't believe Margo has a tool box!  I hope we actually get to see it in action, preferably in a panel of her demoing the spare room at Scott and Nina's, while Nina watches, horrified.


Ken said...

Scott: You won't have to lift a finger.

Margo: Perfect. That's my style. I lay there like a cold dead fish and make the man do all the work.

Scott: I was asking for help with the nursery.

Margo: Oh, nevermind about that fish thing.

Maggie said...

Look at Margo's face! I worry about what's in Margo's tool box, but I don't think it's a hammer.